Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's amazing what you Digg up.

While I was transitioning from work mode to school mode, I was looking through an online news site that is called The Digg. They link news stories and other random finds for people to see and peruse through. Just so you know, you do have to be careful on it as it is not very filtered.

Now, I came across a very interesting site where an artist took some children's drawings and then made a painting based on it. It is very imaginative and shows a great amount of imagination on both the child and the artist. You can take a look at it here.


LlamaMama said...

That's really fun! Kind of makes me wonder what he would do with one of Mark's drawings ...

Thanks for sharing!

Kelli said...

Those pictures were so fun! I'm so glad you posted the link, honey! A post a year is pretty good :). LOVE YOU!

SuperRunkels said...

That's kinda creepy but very cool.